Fenomena UFO--UFO Phenomenon
A. Penampakan yang Selalu Dibantah
Sungguh mengherankan mengapa pemerintah dan militer dibanyak negara kerap membantah penampakan-penampakan objek terbang asing yang kerap dipanggil UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), sebagai perkataan konyol dan dusta. Sering sebuah fenomena dipandang tidak lebih sebagai rekayasa optikal dan sulap grafis biasa. Penampakan benda asing berpijar oleh seorang anak, Alex Birch pada 1962, ‘diluruskan’ oleh Departemen Pertahanan Udara AS sebagai refleksi cahaya matahari yeng mengenai kristal es. Peristiwa jatuhnya objek terbang tidak dikenal dikawasan Roswell pada 1947, disamarkan oleh Angkatan Udara AS sebagai proyek balon terbang percobaan berkode Skyhook yang gagal dan terbakar. Sempat tersiar kabar bahwa dari objek asing itu, terdapat 4 makhluk asing, dimana 2 mati, satu ditembak mati oleh tentara AS, dan 1 mati di rumah sakit. Kabarnya, mayatnya masih tersimpan di ruang rahasia milik militer AS.
B. Mereka Hadir Sebelum Kita Mengenal Tulisan

Lalu, bagaimana kita menjelaskan lukisan makhluk-makhluk berhelm yang dipahat di dinding-dinding batu Italia Utara dan di Gurun Tasili di Libya. Makhluk berhelm di Italia Utara usianya 10.000 SM, sedangkan yang dipahat orang-orang purba Tasili, Libya berumur 6.000 SM.
Coba bandingkan sebuah lukisan berusia ribuan tahun lalu, di Piramida Palenque, Meksiko. Apakah kita bisa melihat persamaan manusia yang tampak sedang berada di sebuah mesin yang rumit dengan astronot masa kini yang mengoperasikan sebuah pesawat luar angkasa?
Darimana kita mengetahui tekhnologi yang begitu hebat hanya dalam kurun waktu kurang dari 100 tahunsejak pesawat pertama Wilbur Wright mengudara pada zaman modern?? Banyak yang percaya bahwa sesungguhnya kita tidak mengetahui pengetahuan yang baru. Sebenarnya, otak kita telah merekam pengetahuan purba yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang ribuan tahun yang lalu. Otak hanya perlu diransang untuk ‘mengingat kembali’. Bukan tidak mungkin bahwa rekaman kejadian purba itu pun termasuk tekhnologi mengenai mesin-mesin ruang angkasa yang rumit seperti yang kita kenal sekarang.
C. Menukar Manusia dengan Tekhnologi
Bantahan-bantahan yang kerap dilakukan pihak militer terhadap klaim penampakan UFO dan berita penculikan manusia oleh alien memunculkan dugaan bahwa ada hal besar yang sedang ditutupi Dr. Brian T. Clifford dari Pentagon, pada 5 Oktober 1982 mengeluarkan pengumuman dalam konferensi persnya (The Star, New York, 5 Oktober 1982) bahwa bagi penduduk yang melakukan kontak, baik dengan makhluk luar angkasa maupun kendaraan yang digunakannya adalah tindakan ilegal. Ketentuan perundangan federal, ayat 14, bagian 1211, tanggal 16 Juli 1969, dengan tegas mengancam akan melakukan kontak dengan makhluk asing. Jadi, sebenarnya pemimpin dan militer Amerika telah menyadari adanya kontak. Hal ini dapat menjawab mengapa hampir setiap presiden Amerika memiliki catatan sangat rahasia yang diwariskan dari satu presiden ke presiden selanjutnya.
Mungkinkah ini sebuah bentuk perlindungan militer terhadap makhluk cerdas yang ingin mempelajari struktur dan kecerdasan manusia? Apakah secara diam-diam, militer Amerika menjalin pemufakatan jahat dengan duta-duta alien untuk menukar manusia-manusia yang akan ‘diambil’ oleh mereka dan kemudian dibarter dengan tekhnologi alien? Bagaimana jika memang benar kecanggihan dan perkembangan tekhnologi manusia yang sangat pesat dewasa ini sebetulnya adalah ‘hadiah’ sebagai alat barter mereka?
--English Language--
A. Sightings are always refuted
It is surprising why the government and the military in many countries are often denied the apparitions strange flying object that is often called a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), as the word ridiculous and false. Often a phenomenon not seen more as an optical engineering and graphics usual magic. Foreign bodies glowing apparition by a son, Alex Birch in 1962, 'straightened out' by the Department of Defense U.S. Air Yeng as a reflection of sunlight on ice crystals. The fall of flying objects are not known area of Roswell in 1947, disguised by the U.S. Air Force as a project coded Skyhook balloon flight experiment that failed and caught fire. Had word got out that of the foreign object, there are 4 aliens, of which 2 died, one was shot dead by U.S. troops, and one died in hospital. Reportedly, his body was still stored at the U.S. military's secret room.
It is surprising why the government and the military in many countries are often denied the apparitions strange flying object that is often called a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), as the word ridiculous and false. Often a phenomenon not seen more as an optical engineering and graphics usual magic. Foreign bodies glowing apparition by a son, Alex Birch in 1962, 'straightened out' by the Department of Defense U.S. Air Yeng as a reflection of sunlight on ice crystals. The fall of flying objects are not known area of Roswell in 1947, disguised by the U.S. Air Force as a project coded Skyhook balloon flight experiment that failed and caught fire. Had word got out that of the foreign object, there are 4 aliens, of which 2 died, one was shot dead by U.S. troops, and one died in hospital. Reportedly, his body was still stored at the U.S. military's secret room.
B. They are Present Before We Know Posts
Evidence of the presence of unidentified object has been advanced since tens of thousands of years in prehistoric times. This often becomes the final answer for all the mysteries that can not be on break. We are new to technology aircraft since the Wright brothers era in the 20th century. But, how do we answer a sculpture airplanes and helicopters on the ruins of an ancient temple at Abydos, Egypt is expected to be built in the span of years in the 1300s BC.
Then, how do we explain the painting helmeted creatures carved in stone walls and in Northern Italy in the Libyan Desert Tasili. Helmeted creature in northern Italy age 10,000 BC, while the ancient people carved Tasili, Libya was 6000 BC.
Not satisfied? Just compare a painting of a thousand years ago, at the Pyramid Palenque, Mexico. Can we see the human equation that seemed to be in a complicated machine with today's astronauts operating a spacecraft?
Where did we know the technology is so powerful only within less than 100 tahunsejak Wilbur Wright's first flight on the air in modern times? Many believe that we actually do not know the new knowledge. Actually, our brains have to record ancient knowledge passed down by our ancestors thousands of years ago. The brain just needs diransang to 'recall'. It is not impossible that it's too early footage of the incident including the technology of the machinery space is complicated as we know it today.
C. Humans with Technology Switch
Rebuttal-rebuttal is often carried out by the military against the claims of UFO sightings and human abductions by aliens news raises a presumption that there are great things that are covered Dr. Brian T. Clifford of the Pentagon, on October 5, 1982 issue a proclamation in his press conference (The Star, New York, October 5, 1982) that for people who come into contact, either by aliens or vehicles that use is illegal. Provisions of federal legislation, paragraph 14, section 1211, dated July 16, 1969, the firm threatened to make contact with aliens. Thus, the actual leaders and American military has been aware of the contacts. This may answer why virtually every American president has a very confidential records that are passed from one president to the next president.
Could this be a form of military protection against intelligent beings who want to study the structure and human intelligence? Is secretly, the U.S. military to establish pemufakatan evil alien ambassadors to exchange the humans who will be 'captured' by them and then bartered with alien technology? What if it is true sophistication and technological development is very rapid human today is actually a 'gift' as a means of barter them?
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